TECH-SLICE: Collaborative and BI platform for the integration of energy and production data in the slicing room, collected through sensorization and digitalization

Project in the AEI 2023 aid line.

he improvement of the sensorization of the slicing rooms of the meat industry, the improvement of temperature control in the rest of the work areas, and the improvement of energy efficiency in the productive processes of the sector are some of the objectives pursued the AEI TECH-SLICE project

In the AEI2022b call, “PHASE 1. Design, parameterization, adaptation and data collection” was carried out. While in the AEI2023 call, “PHASE 2. Data analysis and traceability of these with manufacturing orders to be able to share them with customers” will be executed.

The main objectives of this phase are:

  • Creation of a collaborative platform between client and supplier to have all traceability data quickly and effectively without losing information during the process.
  • Control and definition of energy improvement strategies based on BI analysis of the data collected.

It should be noted that it is an intercluster project, where INNOVACC (coordinator) and the Efficient Energy of Catalonia (CEEC) cluster will work to disseminate the project among its associates in order to provide tools to improve the competitiveness of the sector.


  • Vila Rovira SL
  • Plana Hurtós Enginyers SLP
  • Esynapsing Intelligent Business SL
  • Armengol & Ros Consultors i Associats SLP
  • Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC)
Total budget Approved help
148.879,00 €118.101,00€

With the support of: